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    • Salva come file(Ctrl+Shift+S)
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      • Quick help

      • ctrl+a Select all objects
        ctrl+d Double the activate object
        ctrl+e Clear all objects
        ctrl+s Save current stage to my design
        ctrl+o Open a file to import design
        ctrl+p Print
        ctrl++ Zoom out
        ctrl+- Zoom in
        ctrl+0 Reset zoom
        ctrl+z Undo changes
        ctrl+shift+z Redo changes
        ctrl+shift+s Download current design
        delete Delete the activate object
        Move the activate object to left
        Move the activate object to top
        Move the activate object to right
        Move the activate object to bottom
        shift+ Move the activate object to left 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to top 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to right 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to bottom 10px
      • Custom help content
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      • Copyright © 2017-2019 Lumise Inc.
        All Rights Reserved.

        Powered by Lumise version 1.9.8

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      Bug Reporting

      Please let us know if you find any bugs on this design tool or just your opinion to improve the tool.

      Tips: If you want to send content with screenshots or videos, you can upload them to imgur.com or any drive services and put links here.

      • Comincia a personalizzare usando gli oggetti nella colonna a sinistra
      • Tutti gli oggetti selezionati vengono raggruppati | Ungroup?
      • Group objects Group the position of selected objects
        • Fill options

          Salva questo colore

        • Create QRCode
        • Opzioni
          • Allinea automaticamente la posizione
            dell'oggetto attivo con altri oggetti
          • ON: Keep all current objects and append the template into
            OFF: Clear all objects before installing the template
          • Sostituisci immagine selezionata invece di crearne una nuova
        • Cambia immagine
        • Crop
        • Mask
          • Select mask layer

        • Remove background
          • Remove background

          • Deep:

          • Mode:

        • Filters
          • Filters

            • Original
            • B&W
            • Satya
            • Doris
            • Sanna
            • Vintage
            • Gordon
            • Carl
            • Shaan
            • Tonny
            • Peter
            • Greg
            • Josh
            • Karen
            • Melissa
            • Salomon
            • Sophia
            • Adrian
            • Roxy
            • Singe
            • Borg
            • Ventura
            • Andy
            • Vivid
            • Purple
            • Thresh
            • Aqua
            • Edge wood
            • Aladin
            • Amber
            • Anne
            • Doug
            • Earl
            • Kevin
            • Polak
            • Stan

          • Brightness:

          • Saturation:

          • Contrast:

        • Cancella filtri
        • Click then drag the mouse to start drawing. Ctrl+Z = undo, Ctrl+Shift+Z = redo
        • QRCode text
        • Fill options
          • Fill options

            Salva questo colore

            • Transparent:

            • Stroke width:

            • Stroke color:

          • Ungroup position
          • Disponi i livelli
          • Position
            • Object position

              Lock object position:

            • Center vertical
            • Top left
            • Top center
            • Top right
            • Center Horizontal
            • Middle left
            • Middle center
            • Middle right
            • Press ← ↑ → ↓ to move 1 px,
              Hit simultaneously SHIFT key to move 10px
            • Bottom left
            • Bottom center
            • Bottom right
          • Trasforma
            • Rotate:

            • Skew X:

            • Skew Y:

            • Flip X:
              Flip Y:

              Free transform by press SHIFT+⤡

          • Font family
          • Modifica testo
            • Modifica testo

            • Font size:

            • Letter spacing

            • Line height

          • Text Effects
            • Text Effects

            • Radius

            • Spacing

            • Curve

            • Height

            • Offset

            • Trident

          • Allinea testo
          • Uppercase / Lowercase
          • Font weight bold
          • Text style italic
          • Text underline

          Please select a product to start designing

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